When we see an apple, we immediately remember Apple, and when we see interconnected rings, we automatically think of Audi. It is these logos that have helped companies remain engraved in everyone's minds due to their simplicity in addition to their work
And without the logo no one will remember you, because it is the logo that will help you remain engraved in everyone's minds.
Therefore, in this article we wanted to define the logo and talk about its importance and the tips that must be followed when creating it.
The logo is a symbol or slogan that expresses your activity, whether commercial or non-commercial, and shows your audience the way you work and your style of work
Also, the logo or slogan is designed according to your target audience and represents the cornerstone of your brand
The most important features of the logo (logo)
The logo is part of the visual identity of your company, as you can remain engraved in the mind of your audience through the logo that expresses you
It also gives you a unique mark that distinguishes you from other companies, and the more simple and attractive the idea is, the more comfortable and safe your audience will feel in dealing with you.
The logo expresses your activity, whether commercial or non-commercial, expresses what you do, and everything it needs is a unique and unique idea
Logo Features
The logo should be simple, the simplicity of the logo makes you enter the mind of your audience faster, and remain engraved in their minds
Its colors must be consistent and reflect the colors you used in the visual identity, as we said earlier that the logo is part of your visual identity that we talked about earlier here
To attract attention, as there are customers who judge the quality of the product through the company's logo. If you managed from the first moment to attract their attention, you have reached your goal in dealing with them.
To be clear and understandable, so do not make a complex logo in order to differ from others, but you can differ through a distinctive idea of the logo and to be simple and clearly expressing your activity or method of dealing
The simplicity and clarity of the logo makes your logo easy to remember for your target audience
Also read the rules for writing marketing content
Logo making tips
Do not rely on one size for your logo because you will need it on several platforms and in print
Do not try to imitate, but create your own logo through an idea that expresses your activity and work
Adopt the colors that you have adopted in the visual identity. It is preferable that you have used colors in the visual identity that express your work and activity. Each color has its own characteristics.
and finally
All you need is to think of a simple logo design that expresses what you do and your work style, and we may help you in this matter by designing a logo for your company that expresses your activity and business in a simple and attractive way