Targeting in marketing campaigns
After we talked earlier about the marketing plan and market segmentation
You will need to select the right segment to purchase your product or service, and there are three criteria to consider when targeting, because targeting is a sensitive issue and requires a lot of work in terms of auditing, research and experimentation, and any mistake will make you compete incorrectly. In the market, and you may not realize it until it is too late, as it will cost you large sums of money in vain
The targeting criteria are:
The segment is large: because targeting a small segment will not reach your goal and will not achieve the desired sale, bearing in mind that the matter is relative, there is no specific percentage for the size of the segment, as the segment may be small for a giant company, but it is large for a startup company
The surrounding environment in the target group is more conducive to business and success: there must be a relative abundance of suppliers who provide you with raw materials or services that help you in order to efficiently complete or deliver your services and products, and there must also be an abundance of middlemen and distributors if you offer your product through distribution outlets
Because if you go into a market segment and can offer your product or services, but you don't have enough suppliers or intermediaries, they are more likely to have a higher bargaining power than you, and therefore this will affect the price and quality of the product. Competitors are also important elements that must be taken into account when studying the surrounding environment in the target segment, because the large number of competitors may cause direct harm, and put you in the danger stage and in the price war cycle, from which no one will emerge as a winner except the buyer.
The target segment is suitable for your resources and goals: The target segment must have a strong interest in your products or services, and it must be well suited to the size of your ability and technical capabilities
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targeting stages
Orienting the marketing mix to the entire market without targeting a specific segment: there are products of the nature that they are directed to everyone, and the differences between market segments are not clear, for example, foods and beverages are not based on specific market segments, but are suitable for all
Directing the marketing mix is different for each market segment: meaning that each segment is targeted with a different marketing mix according to the requirements of this segment
Directing a marketing mix to one market segment: to put all your capabilities to serve one segment only
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