

No matter how big the idea is, the competition is fierce. Software infrastructure and information technology are the biggest support for emerging and large companies and institutions to perform their role in the best way, by providing services that meet the needs of customers to reach leadership in the markets. Programming is the language of the age and the future, which relies on the electronic mind to accomplish its difficult tasks. The technologies used by our software team are among the most powerful technologies in the world, the most important of which are: • Web design and programming using the latest technologies in this field, which are characterized by high speed and efficiency: Angular, NodeJS, MongoDB, ExpressJS, • Design and programming of professional and high-quality mobile applications. Android, İOS • Design and programming of desktop applications Windows, Mac, Linux We at Morlines media program everything

Control Panel

Control Panel

An easy-to-manage control panel and easily modify your site.

Responsive design

Responsive design

The design of your site is appropriate and attractive on all screens and devices.

Super speed

Super speed

The maximum possible speed by following the latest methods of design and programming.


Premium Programming Services

Accordingly, your site is developing your website!

Domain name services
hosting plans
programming and development of websites of all kinds
programming and development of the e-store
programming and development of mobile applications
desktop programs
small and large projects
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  • Is a website important to my company/organization?

    We mentioned in the previous point that the website is a very effective and powerful marketing tool and this is true. Through the presence of your company on the Internet, you can introduce and educate customers, draw their attention more, and enhance their awareness of your brand and business. Your website content or what you publish on the social networks associated with your site can It helps your customers understand your company more and helps them build trust and a strong relationship with you, and this is definitely in your favor.

  • Is the mobile app important to my company/organization?

    If you build the mobile application as a store through which your customers can buy your products and services, the application will connect you to a larger segment of customers, and it will increase your sales, in many times the customer may not be able to use his personal computer, whether it is on the street or somewhere, and here You can order a product or service through the mobile application in an easy and fast way, and you may miss that opportunity and go to your competitors if you do not have a mobile application, and if it is not a store, you can place some ads within the application, which will bring you an additional source of income.

  • Can I program a special system for my company / organization?

    There are many start-up companies that have achieved great success and very quickly, the tasks and pressures have increased, and there are many daily operations in the management. In the current period, administrative and accounting programs and other applications help officials in managing their companies, where the program has become not just a program to help accounts, but has become a complete and comprehensive leadership for the company, so to ensure the success of your company, do not hesitate to seek the assistance of a company that helps you in creating administrative programs that provide You have a lot of time.

  • What are the advantages of electronic stores?

    There are many advantages that contributed to the emergence, growth and development of e-commerce, and the most important features of the online store are:

    Save time and effort

    From here our site is displayed through it, which makes us buy from long time workshop all over the world. Where there is no need to buy what you want from the customer to go to his store, and adhere to working hours that may not fit his circumstances, and replace that with shopping through the computer, or the smart phones of the online store.

    Various payment methods

    Exhibits starting with pay-as-you-buy through pay-as-you-buy,

    Buy from anywhere

    Easy to access store, items, items, finished goods, finished goods, goods, goods, goods, goods, goods, goods, goods, goods, goods, goods, goods, goods, goods, merchandise directly.

    Ease of access to the customer

    Helps to increase profit percentage, printing helps to increase profit, printing helps to help get help and email marketing method.

    Find out more information

    Known to do business with or associated with sellers.

    Anticipate customer needs

    It is possible that the client is willing to build projects based on the platform, and you are scheduled to be offered a project

  • What is the difference between html and wordpress programming?

    The difference between private programming and WordPress is:


    the cost

    WordPress is much cheaper because it is free, and for the non-free WordPress tools, it is much cheaper than your own scripting system.


    WordPress gives you the ability to edit at any time, there are a lot of tools that the program offers. But a special programming system is better because if you have a certain idea and you try to implement it, then WordPress will not help you, but you will need higher capabilities that are already in a special programming system.

    Search Engines and SEO

    One of the most important things that website owners and bloggers look for is WordPress which gives you the ability to see if your content complies with all SEO criteria. In fact, you will not need a programmer here as much as you need an experienced SEO expert to make the content strong and distinctive.

    WordPress and Hosting

    It is possible to make a website on WordPress with free hosting and you will choose between more than one free and great template at the same time and support in Arabic. From time to time you find everything new in the world of WordPress, where many programmers are in development and update.

    the design

    At the beginning of designing a website or blog, we advise you to use WordPress for a quick start, to see how successful it is and achieve the desired goals. You can go even further by using a special programming system to make the site more efficient. But keep in mind that programming will cost you more and require more effort from the developer. Regardless of the option you prefer, you still need to think about the best SEO practices to keep you visible on the Internet and get the desired website performance results, and when you think about this aspect there is no better suitable alternative than proprietary programming because of its speed as it is from The most important factors for the appearance of the site in the advanced results of Google searches.


We program websites and applications

Programming is the language of the age and the future, which relies on the electronic mind to accomplish its difficult tasks.


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